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Clarification - Subscribing to Items in Workfront


Level 8
Hi all, I've watched all webinars leading up to the 2017.2 release, tested a lot in the sandbox and read the help site documentation, but I have some questions about subscriptions that I'm hoping someone can answer! 1. If you subscribe to a project, task or issue, do you get notified if the planned completion date changes? 2. Do you have to be tagged in an update in order to receive a subscription notification (my hunch from reading the help site is yes, but then it also seems redundant?) 3. Are there any other notifications one would receive about a project task or issue they are subscribed to? Or is it just updates? (Kind of part of my first question but expanding beyond updates and dates) Thanks all! Sydney Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.
2 Replies


Level 10
Hi Sydney, Hope our"https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000097553-Subscribing-to-Items-in-Workfront"> help article covers most of your questions. Here are answers to your specific questions. 1. Today we notify only when a comment is posted, may be in the future we will add more triggers when you are subscribed. 2. No, you don't need to be tagged, that's the whole idea of Subscribing to updates, so people don't need to tag you anymore, you will always be notified. 3. Just for comments for now. Hope this brings more clarity. Cheers ANNA GRIGORYAN Group Product Manager Workfront


Level 2
Anything on the roadmap to expand on this soon? I have projects that have multiple deliverables and reviewers asking why they aren't being notified when a task is completed when they subscribed to the project/task. Aya Elsoukkary, Creative Operations Floor & Decor