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Check Spelling on proof


Level 1
Is there a way to enable a spell-check type of view from within a proof? The backstory is - yes, this should be done in the native file (InDesign, Word, etc) but - whatever the reason, we are often battling spelling errors that make it into proofing. It'd be great if proofers had a spell-check aid within Workfront, where misspelled words would be underlined in red as is the case in other programs, for example. I've searched and searched for an answer on this and can't seem to find mention of it anywhere, which tells me it probably isn't possible. But I wanted to ask. Angela Fourdyce Intermatic

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2 Replies


Level 4
Pretty sure this has to be a PDF or similar (not JPG) for the text tool to show up and the spell check to work. Samantha Senior Specialist, Creative Services 817-424-2186


Level 2
Unfortunately, there is currently no spell check feature. Someone has submitted the idea to the Idea Exchange though: https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PS6dAAG/detail Tina Craig Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company