Oooh, now that is an interesting idea, Heather, A few years ago (thread 23 on "">this post ), we enhanced our "">UberCalc solution to automatically override (unwanted/inadvertent) Commit Dates "back" to their (official/reinforced) Planned Completion Dates (e.g. nightly), to ensure that Workers were aware of and aligned with the same timeline as the PM was intending. Following your "power to the Workers" suggestion, though, we could have UberCalc apply the reverse logic, automatically setting the (outdated/unrealistic) Planned Completion Date to match the (latest/human-confirmed) Commit Date, thereby keeping the PM (and owners, etc.) aware of what's most likely really going to happen. And (bonus) since UberCalc uses a filter to determine which Tasks to consider in each case, certain (top down) Projects could use the former approach, and other (grass roots) Projects could use the latter. In each case, it removes the manual grunt work of forever trying to "catch up" with the date changes, and instead simply presents the latest best known version of the truth. Regards, Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand!