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Can you filter a project report if a certain part of a milestone path or task is complete?


Level 6

I realize this is a pretty wild question, but here's the use case:


We have a subset of power users that are task recipients but also interested in key tasks they don't own. They want to monitor 5 tasks in progress in a single row of a project report, and have rows fall off when all 5 tasks are complete, even if the project itself isn't complete. 


I have tried doing this in a task report, but there is pushback on having 5 rows displayed per project.


My thought was "is there a way to filter if a certain step on the milestone is 100%?" Seemed easier than trying to write a condition where all 5 tasks were complete. Or, I'd just filter on the last task complete. Both are confusing me! 


We are trying to push this type of analysis to the project owners, but as we do so I was wondering if the community had any insight.



3 Replies


Level 4

Hey @Ryan_McGee 

- you want a project report

- filterable on the milestone statuses (show only projects where not all fields are complete)


So to filter you'll need a field on the project for each such milestone. You can't use calculated fields because a project field can't query "is the task associated with milestone X complete".

You can only do that with Fusion, a scenario on task completion:
get the 5 milestone tasks, check for status, and set a field on the project 


Then you can build the report you describe. Let me know if you want more detail.


Community Advisor

I think you're trying to do two things here. 


1) create 5 columns in your report view, each of which will represent one of your 5 tasks' progress. This is fine, and you can probably get started on that by understanding more about collections. (if you search in the community for listmethod, nested, tasks, and complete, you will probably net a few statements to look at)


2) create a report filter that will let in any project where any one of these tasks is incomplete. This will end up being an exists statement, and again, you could understand more about exists statements, or if you search exists, projectid, and task, you can probably see a few filters)


It's difficult to give a more exact answer because you're not clear on exactly how you identify these tasks in workfront. It could be through its milestoneID, or through a specific naming convention, or through a task custom field. All three ways are similar filters, e.g. if the name contains XYZ, if the milestoneID=123, or if field_value=abc, AND task status not equal to complete/canceled -- I do prefer the last two ways though, since this will result in a shorter filter and less ambiguity.  


Level 4

I thought of that but this would mean in each task column you iterate over all the project's tasks to find the specific milestone task (sounds compute expensive if we're talking more than a handful projects)


The issue in my mind is that we're talking about a PROJ report that is to be based on select milestone tasks' status. Rather than doing a real-type evaluation (iterate/EXISTS) to run the report, it will scale better to set project fields that can be used as report filters/status displays.