
Can I run a report on the status "key" field?


Level 10
Can I run a report on the status "key" field? If so, what is the name of the field to select when creating the report? Attached is a screen shot of the "key" fields. Thanks.
9 返信


Level 5
yes, you can. Add the field STATUS to the report, then go into text mode on the column and remove the following lines: enumclass=com.attask.common.constants.OpTaskStatusEnum enumtype=OPTASK type=enum These lines are resolving from the key to the text.


Level 10
Marty, Those lines don't exist. These are the lines I see, when I switch to text mode. status=INP status_Mod=in DE:Name of Sales Representative=Alison Weinstein Estevan Torres Jason Greer Pete Mata Scott Lasseigne Stacey Palazzo DE:Name of Sales Representative_Mod=in


Level 5
Ah.. looks like you are in text mode on the filter. I thought you wanted to display the status key. If you want to display the status key, adjust the text mode on the status column as I mentioned. If you are trying to adjust the filter based on the status key, you simply need to add the ", CLS, ..." or whatever other status keys after INP (the key for In Process).


Level 10
Marty, Can you tell me the logic to use where I can filter based on the status key value? Thanks. [image: APS Payroll logo] Benetta Perry New Client Setup Specialist p: 318-222-9774 f: 318-222-0601 e: bperry@apspayroll.com www.apspayroll.com < ">http://www.facebook.com/apspayroll> < ">https://twitter.com/apspayroll> < ">https://plus.google.com/u/1/101565211370298693012/posts> < ">http://www.linkedin.com/company/aps-payroll> The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 6:51 AM, Marty Gawry, PMP < globalforum@communitylists.workfront.com> wrote: > Ah.. looks like you are in text mode on the filter. I thought you wanted > to display the status key. If you want to display the status key, adjust > the text mode on the status column as I mentioned. If you are trying to > adjust the filter based on the status key, you simply need to add the ", > CLS, ..." or whatever other status keys after INP (the key for In Process). > > -----End Original Message----- >


Level 10
Hi Benetta, A text mode example of what Marty is talking about is as follows, which will include New and In Progress Tasks: status=INP NEW status_Mod=in Please note that you need a tab in between the keys, not a space. Just wondering why you specifically want to filter using the KEY value if you were not already in text mode? Regards, David


Level 5
Agree, David. When you are not in text mode, the system brings up the description of the status key, but actually translates to the key for the filtering. I fully understand the need to use text mode for more complex filters, but for a standard filter on status you should be OK in standard mode.


Level 10
I want a report to show me requests in progress - but I don't want 'transitioned' so show up on my list. When I select "in progress" both in progress and transitioned shows up. I don't want any issues from any projects to show up. I only want to see "requests". Hopefully, this is clearer of what I'm trying to do - create reports on the "requests" opened and their current status.


Level 10
Hi Benetta, Is 'Transitioned' a custom Issue status which equates with 'In Progress'? If so, perhaps your filter is currently using "Equates With", which would cause both statuses to appear when you select the 'In Progress' status. If you change the filter to use just the regular Issue 'Status' field, you should be able to get just the 'In Progress' status issue/requests which you want. Hope that helps. :) Regards, David


Level 10


This filter finally got me the results I was looking for. I had to put in a type of Request and this filtered out 'all issues', vs "request only" issues.
