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Calculated field not working correctly


Level 2
Hello all, Still trying to get a calculated field to work, and having no luck. Here's what I have: IF(CONTAINS("Ongoing",{project}.{name}),"KTLO-Ongoing",IF(ISBLANK({project}.{name}),"KTLO-General",IF(CONTAINS("Other",{project}.{name}),"Out of Office","Project"))) This expression works fine in a report, i.e. I can use valueexpression=IF(CONTAINS("Ongoing",{project}.{name}),"KTLO-Ongoing",IF(ISBLANK({project}.{name}),"KTLO-General",IF(CONTAINS("Other",{project}.{name}),"Out of Office","Project"))) This works perfectly. I now go to my custom form and enter the exact same formula, but tweaked for a calculated field IF(CONTAINS('Ongoing',Name),'KTLO-Ongoing',IF(ISBLANK(Name),'KTLO-General',IF(CONTAINS('Other',Name),'Out of Office','Project'))) Now, here's where the problem lies, it evaluates the first statement correctly. It *does not* evaluate any other statement correctly, and falls through to the False statement at the end. Anyone have an explanation? P. Phillip Rinehart New York University

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3 Replies


Level 2
Another bump on this, no matter what I do, the ISBLANK statement does not work as a calculated field, even when pulled out an executed on its own custom form. Pretty sure this qualifies as a bug, yes? Phillip Rinehart New York University


Level 5
Name would never be Blank for a project/issue/task/etc . It's required to save or create an object. -- "https://www.workfront.com/" style="text-decoration-line:none;box-sizing:border-box;color:rgb(0,161,208)">
Melinda Layten Technical Product Manager: API, Fusion and Enhanced Authentication M: (484) 505 6855 "https://www.workfront.com/" style="color:rgb(248,130,47);text-decoration-line:none;box-sizing:border-box;font-size:12px">workfront.com


Level 2
Well if it is general time it is. Still doesn't explain why it works in a view but not in a calculated field Phillip Rinehart New York University