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Bug with Draft Request


Level 4

We have a Planner that has a draft request that has a required custom text field. When they attempt to update the draft with the required information the request will not submit. No messages or anything just doesn't submit. Thoughts?


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5 Replies


Community Advisor

if they haven't already deleted their cache and cookies, I'd have them either do that, log in through an incognito browser or use a whole other browser. If we're sure that the cache isn't an issue, I would probably just try and get around it by briefly making the custom field not required, just so they can submit their issue.


Level 4

Thank you, Skye. We had already tried your suggestions but I did just now figure it out. It had nothing to do with the required field (we pointed to that because that was why it was saved as a draft) as it turns out there's a custom field "Comments" and there were too many characters. Unfortunately, there is no error message to alert the user. I will make a note on the field for future use.

Thank you again,



Community Advisor

that's pretty odd, and maybe @Kyna Baker - inactive‚ can notify the appropriate product manager. Usually when typing in a field outside the drafts area, the user is notified that they have exceeded the limited number of characters and the behavior of the field is to truncate to the limit as opposed to refusing to submit it in its entirety. Good that you figured it out though!



Thank you for raising this problem. This is definitely something we should look into. @Dawnmarie DeAngelo‚ do you mind submitting a support request so that we can take an in-depth look of where the problem is coming from and inform you when it's fixed?