I've posted numerous times on this subject. I'm really keen to use Boards to solve some of our workflow problems but at this point, I cannot.
Boards works OK (at best) for a small team that doesn't have very many task/issues at a given time. I use it for our 4 person Admin team for Workfront Support requests. We get about a dozen per day and they are solved within an hour so there's never more than a dozen cards at a time.
I tried on"Board"ing our video team (see what I did there!) to Boards and did not go well. They have a few hundred tasks at a time over a hundred or so projects and it is usually painfully slow. Columns and statuses rarely upate correctly. Numerous errors in red bars at the bottom of the page appear whether your previous action worked or not. Grouping, sorting, tagging, and filtering are either too slow or produce a white screen, etc.
My advice would be to use it for really small things with very few cards and wait until the product matures and is ready for prime time.