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Best Practice For a Double Deadline


Level 5
Hi All, Some feedback would be great.... Currently we fill in 3x requests to achieve one whole job....2 of these requests are not part of WF - yet. I want to (in WF) make one request and negate the need for the 2 other requests (which are the same info repeated anyway). However, I'm not sure what would be the best practice for this: So, we want to have: One Request Made with all info on it The template for conversion will essentially be for 2 parts: First Part - the main campaign Second Part - the post-campaign analysis There will be 2 deadlines in this case, before the project can be marked as Complete - one for the campaign and the other for the analysis My questions are: I'm not sure if one, or 2 templates would be needed for this and how this would affect the timelines if there were 2? We are still using 1 template per project. We would need to understand the condition of both deadlines - but, the first deadline would be the most important! Any feedback would be warmly recevied - ty! Miranda Rais GVC
1 Reply


Level 10
Hi Miranda, I'm a big fan of simplicity [insert joke here]. Personally I would go with 1 template and have 2 Summary/Parent Tasks with all their respective tasks underneath them. And you could bake in the Predecessors between the two parts. So you'll see what your timelines look like when the project is created. And if you're keeping the timeline up to date, you'll see if the Part 2 dates begin to move on you. Part 1 Task A Task B Task C Part 2 Task D Task E Task F