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Basic Task Completion...?


Level 1
I work at an Ad Agency, one of our clients also uses WorkFront. My questions is, can I "share" my project and have that outside company complete tasks? And vice versa, can that outside company share its project and have my Agency complete the tasks that pertain to us? Chris Whitley gyro

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4 Replies


Level 9
Outside of using Fusion (which I'd say would be overkill here) you can't really share data between the two instances. But pending your security and safety level – you can create accounts for them on your instance and assign work. Obviously this would eat up a license... but again... John Seitz DTCI | Direct-To-Consumer and International Tools Team System Admin – Workfront & Jama


Level 9
I *might* have dreamt this, but I recall hearing at last year's Leap that they were trying to set up that kind of sharing/collaboration between clients/vendors who each have a Workfront instance. I haven't heard anything about it since, so I may have misunderstood but the idea obviously has a lot of potential... Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group


Level 10
That would be very interesting! The only thing I know is that on the roadmap for this year they are looking to remove the unique email address requirement. Once that is done, you could do John said and they could have an account in your system with the same email address. @Chris Whitley - are you going to Leap? They are having huge UX & Product research booth this year. We should all go over there and ask about this. ;) Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 7
Your best option would be to create an account for them on the instance which they would need access to. They will maintain 2 separate accounts for the 2 separate instances. Richard Carlson Behr Process Corporation