Hi Chris, I have replied inline, but actually the bottom part of this message is directed also at @Michael Laing & @Max Nyirenda - thanks! So, we are on a totally new implementation for both styles, as well as for multiple teams (marketing mostly for - creative & dev & reviewers), with different levels of experience of working with this kind of PM tool. I am also learning agile methdology. We have moved one team to a kanban team and straight away experienced an odd issue that I still don't have an answer too. I am a sys admin. When I make my Home Team the kanban agile team - i lose the tab / right to see a queue setup on a project queue. I also dont see the custom form anymore assoc to the queue,under 'new request'. I only spotted this when i could see another sys admin in the same team had the same issue - removed myself from the Home Team and the permissions came back - i am still in the agile team, but now it is as a secondary team and not my Home Team. Workfront support were baffled by this also. I have been through all the literature, but don't recall a setting associated to this? We really need to be able to work with the standard project management view WF offers and integrate this with agile, for the future... these points are of interest to me: 1) Our team are not getting on with this as it has very limited functionality compared to scrum such as not being able to reorder tasks on the kanban board or change story estimates without navigating to the project or moving the story back to the backlog to name but a few challenges. - I need to practice more with this to experience / understand the limitations better. 2) I am thinking the next approach is to work with the waterfall teams to adopt Kanban as a break from the old waterfall. - I really like this idea, as a few marketing teams use trello to schedule their work anyway - how would you go about implementing the change? Miranda Rais GVC