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Allowing Users to Reply to Email Notifications


Level 8
Hi Community, I'm preparing for my 2018.2 release meeting (where I share and walk through the updates and new functionality with the other system admins in my company) and I'm hoping for some clarification. I just noticed this topic on the release notes that's been implemented in the Beta Final stage of the 2018.2 release - "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217221137"> Allowing Users to Reply to Email Notifications Can anyone clarify what this means if we are currently using a POP account so that our users can reply to updates directly in Outlook? It sounds like per the help site notes that POP accounts aren't recommended and we should use the "Workfront Default Mail Service" - although I'm not sure what this means? If we use the default, can users rely to updates directly in Outlook? If POP accounts are unstable, but the default mail service means users can't reply in Outlook...this is problematic for us. Thank you in advance for any clarification or insight! Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.

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6 Replies


Level 10
Hi - My understanding is that the new feature will allow people to use the reply-via-Outlook feature without having to use a POP account. However we could not get it to work in Preview and we are a little concerned about the email address in the To field being different for every notification as the GUID is in the email address instead of the subject line. Being honest, we are going to keep using our POP account until we know that it is stable and others like it. So we are not telling our users about it in our 18.2 trainings and communications. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
I agree with Anthony. We're taking the same approach. We want to get off POP, but we want to make sure the new solution is completely solid first. The email notifications are very important to us, so we're going to wait until we're confident it's working well.


Level 8
Thank you both for your response and for sharing your approach on this topic. As a side note to this, I do feel a little frustrated as there have been many times where we hear of new functionality but it's incomplete, unstable or not functioning properly. I wish Workfront would wait before announcing things sometimes until they are complete, stable and fully functioning. Anyway, I will do the same and stick with our POP account for now. Thanks again! Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.


Level 10
Sydney, I totally agree with you - it is frustrating that Workfront announces new functionality before it is ready for production. I wish they would not announce items until they are complete, stable, and are truly ready to be implemented (and/or to replace another function). With the current process, I end up with users asking why we are not implementing something that is announced --- then I have to explain why it's not really ready for us to use. As soon as I explain the limitations, my users understand - but I would rather not have to do this. Marie Marie Kelly The MetroHealth System


Level 1
Hello All, Regardless of whether you use a POP email account or the Workfront default email service, the functionality is the same. The difference between the two options is that when using a POP account you are responsible for configuring the server; whereas, when using the Workfront default service, we've done all the configuration work for you. The advantages of the Workfront default option is that you're less likely to experience set up errors and you will experience a more reliable mail service. So, if you are using the Workfront default mail service and you receive an email notification in your Outlook account, you can respond to the notification from Outlook. Your comments will be added to the corresponding Workfront object. If you are currently using POP and it is working for you, you can continue using your POP service. Just ensure your pop account meets the prerequisites and set-up requirements called out in the article "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217221137" "Allowing Users to Reply to Email Notifications." The Workfront default mail service is most ideal for new customers and for users who are having problems with their POP server. As for Anthony's concern about the email address in the To field, I'm assuming Anthony is actually referring to the Reply To field (not the To field). The object's GUID is placed in the Reply To field and is used to identify which Workfront object should receive the comment. This should have no impact on the email workflow. Anthony, could you provide more information to help me understand your concerns? Please let me know if you have additional questions concerning the Workfront default mail service. Karen Grant Workfront


Level 10
Hi Karen, Our company makes a big deal about scam emails and having our employees check the email address on emails they reply to. When using POP, we can tell people the specific email address that will appear in the To field of the email when they reply. With the new approach, the email address is different. So we have to say "Some form of my.workfront.com" and that is just not as strong or convince that it isn't a scam. Does that make sense? Also, Kathy and I have been testing and not one email has been captured in our preview environment, so I'm not even sure it works at all. LOL! Like I said, we will see how others respond to it since we have something that works for now. If it all goes well, we might switch over since it is more secure that POP, we just want to make sure that if we make the switch, it makes the lives our our users easier, not more complicated. Anthony Imgrund FCB