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Allocating Task Time to Financial "buckets"


Level 5
I have had an inquiry from a Corporate counterpart wondering if task time can be allocated to Financial buckets such as capital, expense, General Admin? We currently allocate a particular project and its tasks to a company thereby allowing for allocation of time that way, but he wants to be more granular within the project itself. I can't find anything so far in my search within Help & Community sites, so I thought I would pose the question to more experienced users. Thanks

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10 Replies


Level 10
Hi: We have a custom form that every task must have. In that form, we have attributes that tell us whether the work in the task is Cap or OpEx and so on. That is how we solve the problem. We have a bunch of reports that leverage that field to tell us how much CapEx we have on a project, how much OpEx, and so on. Does that help at all? Eric


Level 5
Yes it does sound like it would help. Do you attach the custom form at the template level or once the project is created then bulk edit the tasks? Could you provide a sample of your custom form if possible?


Level 10
Yes, we have that custom form attached at the template level, plus we have quality reports that tells us when a PM has created tasks and not attached the form. We do bulk edit some project plans and add the form then ask the PM to set the flag correctly for new tasks. Stand by for a sample… Eric


Level 10
Hi Tracy, I’m attaching a file that illustrates how our Oil & Gas clients use a special version of our UberCalc http://store.atappstore.com/product/ubergantt solution manage million dollar capital projects, effectively giving executives their entire annual capital budget for their company on a single page (albeit plotter size). So yes, charting aside: tracking Capital at a granular level within Workfront can be done, and I encourage you to seriously pursue it. Regards, Doug


Level 10
Hi: It’s really simple: [cid:image001.jpg@01D2A23D.22C5D160] I’m showing the “Capital” custom text attribute. We have a Total Cost of Ownership drop down that we use to create a financial statement for each project - that custom drop down list appears lower in the custom form (on the right). Thanks, Eric


Level 5
Wonderful thank you, I think this will help greatly.


Level 5


Your solution was a great help. I created my custom form and attached it to the project tasks (see attachments).

Now may I ask one more favour. I would like to display the option selected on each task within the project view but I am not having any luck. I can get the Name of the Custom Form to display (Category Name), but I can't seem to find any reference to the actual selection picked (Yes or No).

Do you have any text mode suggestions for a custom column in the View?



Level 10
Hi: Oh good! I think you want to add the custom attribute “Is this a capital expense?” to a list of projects? You want to click on Projects on the main/upper menu bar and see that flag in the list of attributes about each project? Let me know if I’m understanding it reasonably well. I would edit the view, add a column, and type in “Is this a capital expense” and then select the attribute from the list. Maybe I’m missing something. Let me know! Eric


Level 5

Oh my I just feel silly now. You hit it right on the head...

I was over complicating it thinking I needed to use text mode to find the data within the category etc...I didn't even think to look for the label name "Is this a capital expense?"

Thank you!!0690z000007ZiZWAA0.png


Level 10
Is this only applicable to Tasks, or what it would for Expenses as well? (plus roll-up?)