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Agile Tips and Tricks Master Thread


Level 9
Those of you who rely on Agile methodologies, how is Workfront helping you? How and when do you plan your sprints? What Agile features are you using? What tips and tricks have you found that help you and your teams be more effective and efficient? -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:
29 Replies


Level 1

I'm seeting up my Storyboard for my agile team now and want to add a 4th status column to reflect it is in "Approval" phase, but WF is only allowing me to use the 3 default phases. Does anyone know how to add a 4th? Is it in system setup somewhere? Thanks!!0690z000007Zkf2AAC.png


Level 10
Hi Michelle, You'll have to add a new Status called Approval on the setup. Once you've added the new status, it should become available to add to Agile. Cheers.


Level 1
That did the trick! Thanks! Michelle Jasinski Sent from my iPhone > On May 30, 2016, at 8:31 AM, Polly Co wrote: > > Hi Michelle, > > You'll have to add a new Status called Approval on the setup. Once you've added the new status, it should become available to add to Agile. > > Cheers. > > > Site Links: View post online View mailing list online Start new thread via email Unsubscribe from this mailing list Manage your subscription > > This email has been sent to: michelle.jasinski@jmagroup.com -- ------- This e-mail transmission contains information intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above. Further, it contains information that may be privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and then delete this message from your mail system. Thank you for your compliance.


Level 9
Bumping this to the top to see if anyone has anything else they want to add to the discussion. What are your favorite Agile tips, tricks, tools, or processes? How is agile helping you and your team improve results? -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 7
We are a creative team supporting multiple lines of business in a large financial organization. Our creative team process is relatively complex (confirmed by our Workfront consultant!), which we are currently managing via detailed tasklists in a waterfall process. We are thinking of transitioning some (and in future maybe all) of our team to Agile. In particular, we have a digital development team who is interested in Kanban (but would consider Scrum too). A few questions to the community: Our designers may support multiple teams and projects, meaning a designer may work primarily on a non-Agile team but may be assigned to work items that are assigned to an Agile team. We are worried about the shift in a) process and b) ways they would need to work in Workfront (we've provided extensive training for our designers and it's very Workfront-process and screen related). Does anyone have experience with this type of set up? Any advice? This so far is our biggest concern. Is anyone (creative; marketing; development) using Workfront's Agile features in a Kanban system? If so, how are you managing the iteration set up? Whether Scrum or Kanban, what settings and solutions have you implemented that work best for you? How do you manage Requester tasks? Do you let workfront automate Requester tasks and reminders or are you managing this manually (e.g. PM's need to keep on top of Requester deadlines)? Thanks for any input you can provide! I'm sure I could come up with a bunch of other questions but I'll start here. Barbara


Level 9
Barbara, I just read this blog post today about creative teams getting started with Agile and thought you might find it useful. -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 10
Hi Barbara, So my department uses Agile functionality in Workfront because we have a lot of crap to do but there aren't really fixed due dates. We do two week sprints/iterations and it has worked out really well for us. As more tasks come to us, we have to reprioritize, but it has been great for us to focus on the important things and actually have those conversations about what the priority is for something. One issue we have run into though that I think has to do with your fourth point. If someone puts our team on a task in their waterfall project, the due date changes to the last date of our iteration. (example: they want it done by 7/15 but our iteration goes until 7/22). We are trying to figure out how to make sure the 7/15 date stays so that we know we need to focus on that first. Also, we don't want the Project Owner's project to recalculate and dependecies on our task (i.e. move it a week) when we will have it done by the 15th if that is what they need. Also, something that our teams are very excited for is the Agile view for a project. A lot of people like to see information that way but, at least for our business model, we still need due dates and waterfall methodology. This functionality is currently in Early Access if you want to check it out. You can customize the view to include the due date on the story tile which is very helpful for us. :)


Level 7
Thank you Nate, this is great, simplified guidance. There is so much reading material out there but that blog post summed it up into simple but important steps.


Level 7
Thanks for the heads-up on date shifting Anthony! We will definitely be balancing between both ways of working (waterfalls and predecessors as well as a more self/team-managed agile-like process) so figuring out how to make this work in Workfront is my current preoccupation... I have looked at the new Agile view but I'm not sure yet whether this is something our teams would like to use. I'll have to wait to see what functions it will include for designer-use (e.g. the ability to manage their individual tasks directly in the Agile view) as well as how changing settings in the My Work area will impact how the project "looks" in the Agile view, and vice versa. In Reply to Anthony Imgrund:
Hi Barbara, So my department uses Agile functionality in Workfront because we have a lot of crap to do but there aren't really fixed due dates. We do two week sprints/iterations and it has worked out really well for us. As more tasks come to us, we have to reprioritize, but it has been great for us to focus on the important things and actually have those conversations about what the priority is for something. One issue we have run into though that I think has to do with your fourth point. If someone puts our team on a task in their waterfall project, the due date changes to the last date of our iteration. (example: they want it done by 7/15 but our iteration goes until 7/22). We are trying to figure out how to make sure the 7/15 date stays so that we know we need to focus on that first. Also, we don't want the Project Owner's project to recalculate and dependecies on our task (i.e. move it a week) when we will have it done by the 15th if that is what they need. Also, something that our teams are very excited for is the Agile view for a project. A lot of people like to see information that way but, at least for our business model, we still need due dates and waterfall methodology. This functionality is currently in Early Access if you want to check it out. You can customize the view to include the due date on the story tile which is very helpful for us. :)


Level 4
I am also interested in using Kanban agile in workfront. Is official support for Kanban on the product roadmap? Iterations or sprints are not used in Kanban.


Level 4
Sorry for double posting... I am interested in using Kanban agile in Workfront. Is official support for Kanban on the product roadmap? Iterations or sprints are not used in Kanban.


Level 9
Some of you may be interested in the Agile resources we already have available here at Workfront. Here's a taste to get you started: Blog Post - Unlocking the Promise of Agile: What’s right for your IT team? Webinar - Six Easy Steps to Becoming an Agile Marketing Team Report - Agile Marketing Survey: 5 Findings that Took Us By Surprise Podcast - How to Prioritise Projects with Agile Infographics - Marketers Are Clueless About Agile Product Release Notes - Take a Look at the Next Iteration of Agile from Workfront -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 2
What exactly is the "setup" you are referring to? Is this under Setup>Team, etc. or somewhere else? I found the answer to my question myself--you have to set up the new statuses under "statuses" in the setup area.


Level 1
Hi Paul, did you ever get a response to your question regarding Agile? I am seeking the same instruction for kanban with the understanding that it is not the same as a regular iteration.


Level 7
Hi Paul, I reached out to our Client Exec who set up a call with someone on their product team. Their primary suggestion is to create one or several long iterations (a month or even a year) which become your Work In Progress. You can then use the backlog to intake, sort and prioritize work and then just move it to the iteration once you have capacity. You can create custom statuses to represent the stories/tasks which are ready to start, new, in progress, etc. or for whichever buckets of work you choose. They also suggested creating a report to monitor the items moved to the Work In Progress (iteration) to show which work buckets/statuses have capacity, so you know when new items can be added from the backlog. Having tried this, the biggest issue I see for our team is that as soon as you move a task to an iteration, Workfront automatically changes the Planned Completion Date of that task to the end date of the iteration (and this is unchangeable). If your team works independently and completely in Agile, this may not be a problem. However, tasks assigned to our team may originate from a larger Waterfall style project, meaning the PM's view when looking at the Waterfall workback schedule will show planned completion dates which would fall way outside of the project's actual required dates. In speaking with Workfront, they did have a few suggestions to work around this (e.g. adding a custom due date field to each task as a visual for the real date; creating two tasks -- an Agile task and a traditional task, where the resolution of the traditional task is tied to the completion of the Agile task; creating an iteration for every project and setting the iteration end date as the project's planned end date). Ultimately, we've decided that we're going to have to start out using Scrum, or at least working in shorter iterations, until Workfront develops Kanban support (which I understand is in the plans, albeit not immediate plans). Let me know if you have any suggestions or if you've tried things that worked out! We are still interested in pursuing Kanban at some point. Thanks, Barb


Level 2
Mostly Kanban is defined by moving items through different columns (defined, WIP, QA, etc). We were able to set these up under the statuses section of the setup area. One challenge is the inability to set WIP limits. You can defined them in the titled of the kanban column, but there is not any automated that prevents you from moving more than x amount of items into a column.


Level 1
Barb, this is helpful information. I am concerned though that the Kanban function is being advertised as being available in the attached pdf (page 12). The contents in the pdf seem to be blatant misinformation if what you are saying is true.


Level 7
Hi Erica, I think this document is an overview of Agile. Page 12 describes Kanban, not necessarily Workfront's solution. On page 15, they say they can support "modified Kanban". I'm not sure whether they have any specific documentation about what they mean by this though. Thanks, Barb


Level 7
Hi Eve, Perhaps you've already set this up. Workfront suggested creating a report to monitor your Work In Progress -- a report that would show the capacity of each work bucket, so that you would know when you can move items in from your backlog. It's not automated, but would at least show you the information before you moved work along your WIP columns. Barb


Level 2
Hi Barbara, What was the suggestion on ow to set up the report? Is it defined by project name, group name, and/or status? I have had difficultly creating a report that mirrors the backlog area of workfront (items that are not assigned to an iteration that are assigned to a particular team). We presently use a project as our work in progress bucket-- Eve