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Advice on adding UAT forms into Workfront


Level 2



We're in the process of onboarding our technology team workflow into Workfront. One request is to include UAT forms into Workfront using custom forms. The UAT forms aren't fully standardized and would need to be partially customized for different project testing sessions. Our custom form building is kept within admins so we don't want to expand that to include form creation and customization for UAT. The option we are thinking of recommending is to have the team create UAT forms in a form builder and add the UAT form builder link to the project task that pertains to UAT.


Are there other options that we're missing that we could use to incorporate UAT into Workfront projects?



1 Reply


Community Advisor

You could have a UAT parent task, and all the UAT questions could be sub tasks. You can use the description field to store the answer.