I'm trying to figure out a way to show the current milestone a project is working on in a project report or program view. I know that is not necessarily how a milestone works, but I'm trying to figure out how to make it function in such a way. In a waterfall project, you would think there is a particular order in which they are completed based on the order of tasks they are associated with. We are planning on associating milestones with parent tasks of the same name, in a particular order. So I'm trying to use lists to create this functionality. The issue I'm running into is that once there is too much logic added to an expression, it just breaks. I'd get around it in the past by grouping multiple lists together, but I need them to vary in visibility. The basis of my logic is this:
valueexpression=IF({name}="Insert Task Name",IF({percentComplete}<100,CONCAT({name}," - ",{percentComplete},"%"),""),"")
What I need is to be able to walk down a logic path where it checks if the first task is complete, if it isn't, show it, if it is, check the next one
If there is already built in functionality or some way easier to do this, I'd appreciate the help!