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Actual, Planned and Budgeted Hours - just from this year


Level 3
I was asked to create a report that showed all (or certain) projects in a portfolio with their Actual, Planned and Budgeted Hours. I built a view that would accomplish this. However, now the user would like to see hours just in the current year. We have projects that span multiple years and at times they want to just see numbers from this year. A few of my thoughts The filter feature doesn't work as I'm in the Project view and need to filter on Entry dates for Actual hours and estimates To build a report, I would need to combine Resource Estimate, Task(?, for planning) and Hour report objects into one and filter each to limit to this year. Is this even possible? The new Utilization report is good, but it only works on one project at a time, when we want to see the whole portfolio at a glance. Thoughts, ideas? Srini

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3 Replies


Level 2
Hi Srini, We recently created an hour report that shows year to date hours across multiple projects, but this is just for the Actual Hours. You can also pull in the Budgeted Hours and Planned Hours fields into this report, but these would reflect the entire project. Do you want to also filter the Budgeted and Planned hours by year to date? I'm not sure of a way to do this, but I know you can pull both of these fields into an hour report at least. Maybe someone else has an idea...I would be interested to see this as well. Amanda


Level 2
Reviving an old thread. I need to do the same and I'm hoping someone has a solution. My problem is that we have projects that span more than one year. The Actual Hours in a Project report seems to pull all hours on the project regardless of whether those hours were recorded this year. I need just the hours from this year. I've been experimenting with text mode in a column to try to only get hours from this year. Here's what I've tried to no avail: valueexpression=IF(YEAR({hour}.{entryDate})=YEAR($$TODAY),{actualWorkRequired},"") Thanks, Chris Jackson CheckMark


Level 1

Did you ever solve this?  Same problem and I am surprised there is not current year only functions built in