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18.3 Proof Updates were pushed to CL1 today...and broke Proof!


Level 10
I thought all the 18.3 updates were being pushed to CL1 tomorrow, but we were notified the Proof 18.3 updates were pushed out to all clusters today. Now none of our users are able to open Proof links that they receive in their email notifications. We are on integrated Proof. Is anyone else having the same issue? Logged with Support.... Katherine Haven, PMP VP, Director, Business Technologies - PMO FCB

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5 Replies


Level 5
So sorry to hear! No problems from CL 2, fingers crossed! Thanks, Saher Almaita


Level 1
We are also unable to open links from emails at this time. Michael Kruse Creative Services Operations Manager - Corporate Marketing ------- UL LLC


Level 10
The following work around is working for us in the meantime: The reviewer should click forward (as if you are sending the notification to someone else) and then click on the "go to proof" link in the new email. This should allow your reviewers to open the link. Katherine Haven, PMP VP, Director, Business Technologies - PMO FCB


Level 1
That works. Thank you! Michael Kruse


Level 5
Glad you were able to find a work around! This issue has since been resolved. Here is an article on this issue incase you would like to know more: