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how to turn on option hours in task summary


Level 1

Hello to everyone

I have been reading most of topics about configuration about summary overview, but i cant figure out how to enable the option hours in task summary view, just to simplify  the hour load, please help me with. 


Thnk you



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1 Akzeptierte Lösung


Korrekte Antwort von
Community Advisor

I think I know which option you want to enable, because I did the same for users.

It wasn't clear at first and I had to consult this with the support, but basically ensuring above 2 settings should be enough.

1. confirm on a given object user's access:



2. make sure users can see "hours" on a given object and global settings allow to log time against work (home & summary):



you can read that as 3 settings

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4 Antworten


Community Advisor

Hi @HugoZa 

there are few things to consider:

  • make sure user has access rights on an object that allow to log hours
  • layout templates settings: "hours" need to be enabled for projects, tasks, issues (wherever you want to log time)

Hope this helps



Level 1

Hello Rafal,


Thank you for your answer,  I have system administrator rights I have been trying to configure in both ways  Setup- interface-layout templates -home and summary

and also in  the Setup- timesheet hours-Preferences, but  i can find  that config in the summary view, im add and image to have a better understaning.

Thank you to everyone



Korrekte Antwort von
Community Advisor

I think I know which option you want to enable, because I did the same for users.

It wasn't clear at first and I had to consult this with the support, but basically ensuring above 2 settings should be enough.

1. confirm on a given object user's access:



2. make sure users can see "hours" on a given object and global settings allow to log time against work (home & summary):



you can read that as 3 settings


Level 1

I really appreciate your support.  now is working correctly to my teammates.

five stars for you my friend ️ Thank you