I totally agree. I would really like to promote the ipad view to our leadership but at its current state - it is not useful. Items that would help:
Add Programs as a filter
Allow modification of the banner above the program listing (ex: "Group" option is not valuable for us)
Add Actual date data - not just planned
Add options like "Projects I Sponsor" - so Execs can have quick access
When looking at a project listing, being able to customize the columns that show
Being able to add a custom field to the view. (ex: We have a weekly quick status field that we would want to add)
Milestone view
As an Admin, I'd like a IPAD VIEW Test area/URL so that I could "LOG IN AS" one of my users to see what they see before I promote this feature (and I don't want to do this in production).
also agree - our employees who proof documents when they travel have a terribly cumbersome set of steps in order to do this. very inelegant and frustrating.