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Search on the reports Page


Level 2


I would love to see the ability to search for a report either with a search or filter button (similar to the filter that we can use in Custom Forms).


Right now I have built my own filter which I call "Name Contains', but I have to go in and modify the filter every time I am searching for a report.


As a system admin - searching for existing reports in the list that generates would be useful so that I can reuse reports versus creating a new report that may already be out there and available.



Community Advisor


I use good ol' Control+F to do an in-page search but having the normal search field like we do in custom forms would be great - agree!


Level 2


I used to use CTRL+F but depending on the report view, I was having multiple "hits" on the same entry.   For example if the name also contained the search word or phrase in the description of the report and the description was displayed, I would see double the hits.


That's why I created the custom filter for the report name to contain the word or phrase.  


I do believe that anywhere a list is displayed for us to view it should have a search feature.




Level 4


Would love to see this as well.  The report page seems to be one of the only pages with a slightly different search/view/filter/group interface.  


Level 9


Yes and yes. In the meantime, I use a report of reports, which does come with a quick filter field. This is a trick a customer mentioned on a recent webinar.


Level 2


I have since created a "Report" containing all of my team's reports so that I can use the search function in the report itself to find the reports that are needed.   Thought I'd share as this works better than the filter I originally created,