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Report on the update feed


Level 10


The ability to report on the data currently captured in the update feed. For example, we have a need to track when a status was last updated to determine if a project status has gotten stale.



Level 1


We would like to be able to display all note updates to a project, and only at the project level, within a given date range.


Level 10


I opened another one - not realizing we had this one. Just up voted it. This is critical to our cross team communications.


Level 10


While you can report on the comments users make to the update stream, Workfront does not allow for reporting on the automatic system updates (like a change in status) that display in the update stream.

This restriction is hindering progress and improvements in our cross team communications. We need the ability to report on an automatic system update, which displays in the update stream. Displaying there is very convenient - we must have the ability to pull that data.


Level 1


This would be an enormous help for our company. Accessing the data via API is a hassle. Bringing Journal entry query into WF reporting would be huge especially at Audit time.


Level 1


We also desperately need this reporting functionality, so we can report on date/time when certain custom fields have changed (e.g. someone changed or added an enhancement to a release). This would be extremely beneficial for exception reporting.


Level 2


Being able to pull in the notes left on the updates feed, onto a report, is one of the most frequently asked for enhancements that I receive. This would be a huge help to our organization. Many people want to be able to pull in a history of the notes/updates.


Level 5


It would be very beneficial to be able to capture with a report when a custom field being tracked in the update feeds changed from one value to another.