Description - We would like the option to format a date field to show Date and Time on the Header within a Layout Template
Why is this feature important to you - Working in an agency environment, our tasks are due in hours not days. Our users work out of their Work List to see work items assigned to them. They use the time due to help prioritize their tasks. We have added the Planned Completion Date to the Task header page to show at the top of the Task page and the Task Summary Panel on the Home page, but it only shows the Date due not the time due. When assignees click on the Planned Completion Date field in the Header to view the time due in the Calendar popup window, it changes the task constraint to MUST FINISH ON (even if they just view the calendar popup and don't modify the date or time).
How would you like the feature to work - I would like to be able to Field Format a date field to show Date and Time not just Date in the Header within a Layout Template. I would like the functionality to be the same as in Reports where under Advanced Options you can select Field Format.
Current Behaviour - When adding Planned Completion Date to the Header in a layout template it only shows the Date. If an assignee who has task editing access clicks on the Planned Completion Date field in the Header, even to just view the time from the calendar popup window, it changes the task constraint to MUST FINISH ON and breaks the waterfall timeline.