A coworker has requested a custom form containing several custom fields,
each with multiple checkboxes in a single row within a custom form,
to look like this:
Check all that apply:
Category #1: ☒ Historical Reports ☒ Historical Graphs ☒ Scorecard ☒ My Dashboard
Category #2: ☐ Historical Reports ☐ Historical Graphs ☐ Scorecard ☐ My Dashboard
He has also specified a radio button field with five options.
They should be displayed thusly:
Tomcat Constellation Tornado Hustler
[and your pathetic page has mishandled the radio buttons!]
In the implementation of this, Workfront displays them one button per row,
resulting in this:
[Again, the radio buttons have been mishandled by your page.]
These horizontal layouts are much more readable and is less wasteful of vertical space,
since the current default behavior allows only one checkbox or button per row.
Please add this capability!