Description - Planned Hours are inadvertently being allocated to Saturday and Sunday when users contour hours in the Workload Balancer
Why is this feature important to you - because my organization does not expect colleagues to work on weekends
How would you like the feature to work - I would like the Workload Balancer to respect the Schedule by preventing planned hours from being allocated to weekends.
Current Behavior - when users reallocate/contour planned hours in the Workload balancer and then change the task planned dates, the hours are sometimes being allocated to weekends. Example: a 5-day Duration task originally planned to start on Monday and finish on Friday has 2 Planned Hours. The Project Owner then goes to the Workload Balancer and reallocates 1-hour to Monday and 1-hour to Friday. The Project Owner then changes the Task Planned Start Date from Monday to Tuesday. The Workload Balancer then displays 1-hour on Tuesday and 1-hour on Saturday, even though the Schedule prevents weekend work and the Project Owner never intended for their task assignee to work on Saturday. I want the WLB to automatically shift the remaining 1-hour to Monday.