Description -
Add "Planned Hours" and "Show in Balancer" choices to the create personal task dialog
Why is this feature important to you -
There are a LOT of things that block your time out that are not necessarily included in a Project, like meetings, any non-billable time, pitches, presentations, learning sessions, etc. Many people have been struggling with a good way to block time so you don't get booked for work, that are not based on an actual project. Some people have "fake" projects that you can create tasks in, Some folks use the schedules, some use the FTE and the Work Time features, but none of these really solves the problem.
How would you like the feature to work - Add a choice to show personal tasks in Balancer on a per task basis
Current Behaviour - There is none. Users must rely on "workarounds", none of which are ideal.
What I'd like to see

What we have now