Description: The Awaiting my approval widget is ALMOST really useful. It would be even better IF it contained proof deadline information.
Why is this feature important to you: Many of our users, especially Legal and Compliance rely on Workfront to conduct asset reviews. Part of their requirements are a means of prioritizing their work. In it's current state, this widget does not provide that ability.
How would you like the feature to work: I would like an additional column to be populated in the middle of the widget with proof deadline information and for the proofs to be natively sorted in deadline order. This will help our proof decision makers prioritize their decisions.
Current Behaviour: It doesn't exist. It currently has the entry date with no explanation of what that date is, which is confusing to customers.
For what it's worth, I would also like to see a proofs I need to review Widget with the same access and prioritization functional for folks who do NOT have decision making rights but are need to make comments.