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autonumber field - docket numbers


Level 10


When we create projects, we would like it to be easily identifiable by a docket number, something sequential eg 17-xxxx and should increment only by the specific object type eg Project. Unfortunately, the only available autonumbering available on Workfront is through all objects, meaning if I have 2 projects created, this could be 17-ABX1 and 17-1257 because of all objects created in between. We need this number to be sequential to the object only.

26 Comentários


Level 10


AGREED! we live and die by our "job numbers"! our consultant was able to pull an auto generated refernece number into a "job number" custom field on a custom form for us, but because there are SO many refernece numbers in the system, this number has quickly shot up to something thats now 6 characters long, and it keeps growing.

Additionally, Id like this number to live on the upper right hand corner "quick stats" area of all projects.


Level 2


Yes! We also live and die by our job number and they quickly climbed to 6 digits. We also have been manually putting them in the project name, because there is no other place that has that immediate visibility.


Level 5


Very interesting. I have worked with jobs #'s for many years. Was surprised this system did not generate automatic #'s as well. I have always worked with an alpha for the client and then the job #. Our consultant built in an area for our portfolio, job#, and short name for job folders on the server to created but I manually need to keep track of jobs #'s and make sure I do not mess up.


Level 5


Agreed! We live and die by job numbers also- and I was also surprised that workfront didn't generate job #'s! We are getting by for now- but would love to see this feature. And if WF is trying to go after marketing/communications/creative services industries- they should build this into the system!


Level 9


My company has a separate system for requesting and opening job numbers. We use a Custom Form at the project level to insert that information (among other things) on every project. I'd certainly like at least a set field for our job numbers.


Level 3


We were considering a customization to append a Job Number (year followed by a 5 digit sequential number, i.e. 18xxxxx) to end of the project name so that it can be visible at all times. Each year we would start the 5 digit sequence over again.

Now that it is under consideration by WF perhaps we will wait and see their solution.


Level 2


Thank you for your interest in this request. We used to have the numbers generated based on the objects, but we got requests from several customers that it was creating problems due to reference numbers not being unique. The requirement was to have unique reference numbers even within different object types. As a result we changed the logic, so it won't make sense for us to change it back. We apologise for causing inconvenience on your side.


Level 10


@Anna Asaytryan - 4 years ago, your user base may have been different from what it is now. There must be a way for us to have an autonumber field - maybe by calculated fields of some sort, not necessarily permanently attached to the object like the current reference number.


Level 1


I'm surprised at the official reply to this, why not have a unique field that auto populates a unique sequential number for projects within a particular group/request queue. The existing numbering system creates very long numbers over time which we have to concatenate and join with other information to create something (hopefully) unique. There's no need to remove the existing system, this would be an addition to it.