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Assigned To User - Multi-Instance Project - Report!


Level 2


I created a Task Based Report that displays all Users based on Tasks Assigned To that shows only one line item per Project, Grouped by Assigned To: Name. The issue is that, it only shows one instance of a Project, even when it's Assigned To more than one User on a single Task, due to the system only recognizing the Task Owner.

As a work around, I am able to pull multiple instances of a Project by using unique Milestone Names paired with additional Tasks assigned with one User each, however, this is not ideal and results in more effort for the Report to work.

The optimal solution would be for Workfront to recognize and populate a Report with Projects - including extra instances of Projects - for all Assigned To Users on a single Tasks, regardless of whether or not they are the Task Owner.

Positive Votes for this would be greatly appreciated and thanks for your time.

1 Comment


Level 2


In the Task based Report, the ability to see all Assigned To Users, whether the User is the Task Owner or not, would be extremely helpful - solutions below:

+Ideal if the “Assigned To: Name” field automatically pulled in all Task Owners and, most importantly, Non-Task Owners.

+For Report Text Mode, include the ability to add Assigned To “isPrimary=true or false”.

It would be ideal if both of these fixes were implemented. The “isPrimary” function works on the Assignment based Report and since a Task is essentially an Assignment, this same rule should be enabled and featured on a Task based Report.

Thank you for your consideration and hopeful support of this beneficial feature.