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Agile Scrum Board


Level 2


Description -

Currently the Scrum Board only shows tasks assigned to a Team.  I want to see two different scrum boards.

     1. BY TEAM:  A board to show tasks assigned to anyone on that team.  This will allow resource assignment to tasks to team members while seeing everything else they are assigned to on all issues and projects.  Changes to tasks on a project can be restricted to that project owner, but during team meetings that persons full allocation would be understood and planned.


     b. BY PROJECT:  A board to show tasks within a project.  New tasks go into the project backlog.  This will allow projects to managed in a agile fashion without being built in a waterfall project plan.  When a task is assigned to a resource, it would be on the project agile board, but also appear on that person's team board.  Project tasks can be planned at the project level on this board.  Burndown chart should show velocity for all iterations of the project and predict project end date based on velocity and remaining tasks.


Both of these Agile boards should have the ability to drag and drop tasks to and from the Backlog, and between current Iterations or future Iterations.  This will allow iteration planning without jumping between screens and views, so iteration planning meetings will go faster and feel less cumbersome.




Community Advisor


Hi there, I'm not able to solve everything in here but do have some suggestions:

- Are you utilizing the filter and 'add' functions on the top right of an agile board? The filter will allow you to show anyone or everyone from the agile team that you want pulling into the board. The Add will easily let you add existing items from the backlog into the board without leaving the board (Add > existing request).


- I'm not seeing a way to group a board's items by project, but it is possible in the backlog. You can create groupings/filters/views to use in your backlog just like you can create this in a report/project/etc. We recently added project name to our view bc to your point, we wanted to easily see project name more easily without leaving the screen.


Hope this helps!



Level 2


Thanks for you insight!  I did create a dashboard that will show me the backlog and iterations at the same time.

My problem is I want to run an agile project with multiple people from different home agile teams.  I can assign the task to multiple teams, the project team and the person's home team.  Now the home team can see that their person is assigned to a task on the project, but they can also manipulate that task.  It would be easier if the task assigned to an individual would show up on both boards, but the project would be the "owner" of the task.

Does anyone know if teams can share an iteration?


Community Advisor


Hi there, I had a similar question before where I wanted 2 different agile teams to be assigned to the same task and wanted it to show in both of their respective iterations. When I had submitted this to WF, this was the response. I think this speaks to your question, if I'm understanding correctly?

Currently, tasks/issues can still only be assigned to a single iteration. The work we are doing on boards will allow these work items to be on multiple iteration boards, but not in legacy agile. With that in mind, there unfortunately, is not way to have a task exist on two different agile team's iterations. This is currently being worked on for a future update to boards, so you will be able to do this in the future. I reached out to other members of my team, but none of us have had customers ask about this, so we unfortunately, are not sure how other companies are working around this. I would suggest submitting an idea to the innovation lab to see if others would like this as well.


Level 2


Thanks Madalyn, that helps me understand much more!

I look forward to when they create a project agile board.

That would be very helpful to project managers in a matric environment!




Hi @MaryPie ,


You can see a project board using the new Boards capability.  Boards currently don't have a tie-in to iterations directly but you can use an intake column (with a filter on project or portfolio for example and even iteration attributes) to view connected tasks and issues that way.   You can use this documentation as guidance.Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 11.19.57 AM.pngScreenshot 2023-01-18 at 11.20.17 AM.png