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Ability to Prioritize Issues


Level 10


We have a request queue and it is quite cumbersome to have to convert issues to tasks in order to prioritize the work.



Level 10


Our Issues (Requests) are opened on a single queue by our line of business units that we support. Each business unit has a designated group of users that can open requests for them. The queue is setup to belong to a Access Group of users from across the organization (basically, they can see it to open requests).

It would be nice if each line of business was only able to see the requests that someone within their Home Group opened (rather than everyone in the access group) and if each business unit was able to assign a unique priority to the requests belong to them (opened by someone in their group) for our group to work on.


Level 10


Hi, Kelly. Have you tried creating a report for each business unit that shows what requests are currently opened or closed within their area?


Level 10


We have a report that is generated and then it's a manual process for someone to meet with each Line of Business Unit to get priorities, etc. But since that is manual process it doesn't happen as often as maybe it should, especially with changing priorities within each LOB. It would be nice for them to have an automated way to communicate that to us and at the same time prevent them from have to many "#1" priorities... :)