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Smart Assignments—Should be able to opt-out per instance


Level 4


It is unreasonable that the Smart Assignments feature is a default and not optional.

Resource Managers are unable to readily locate users with specific roles to assign to tasks. When assigning each batch of tasks, RMs must often type out the entire name of the user before the user is recognized by the system. In many cases, there are only a few users with the appropriate role who can be assigned to specific tasks—RMs are spending twice as much time pulling up the correct user and the lag for populating the assignment is inordinately long given the simplicity of the action.

Smart Assignments needs to seek the role specific assignment first, with the ability to opt-in using AI for assigning.

According to our resource managers, assigning has become troublesome and they have created the workaround of closing out the project they are setting up, refreshing, and then setting up assignments. Sometimes that helps and sometimes you need to spell out a full first and last name then wait up to 30 seconds for the name to appear.