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Ability to convert the field type to another field type


Level 10


give the ability to convert a field type to another field type for example, If I create fieldabc as a radio button, then later realize that I need fieldabc to be a check box list, as it is designed, I have to create a new field, manually populate the data into it, then delete the radio button field. It would be great if I could convert it and then show a mapping of the selections so that the current data is transferred with the creation.



Level 1


Karen - This is currently possible but you would lose the data associated with the deleted fields.

Setup > Custom Form > field tab


Level 3


Question here...

Would it be useful if you could only convert from a single select to either another single select or multi-select, but not be able to convert from a multi-select to a single select?


Level 3


For example:

Checkbox fields allow for more than 1 selection. Radio button fields only allow for 1 selection. Would this be useful if you could not go from a Checkbox to a Radio button, but you could go from a Radio button to a Checkbox?

Drop down's allow for either or, so the same would apply, depending on if you allowed multi-select in that drop down.

The issue here is, if you have multiple selections on a check box field, and then convert it to a single select radio button field. Which 1 of the multiple selections do we keep and which ones do we delete.


Level 10


Josh - it would be useful yes to go from Radio Button to Checkbox. Any conversions allowed would be helpful, as oppose to right now - no conversions period.


Community Advisor


For me, specifically, I would like to, at least, go from a Radio Button to a Checkbox and vice-versa. I had to change this, but before I could delete the bad field and not change th historical attributes, I had to have both fields showing, go back through all my projects, and update them to use the new field and match the same info. Then I could delete the old field. This would have been so helpful!


Level 3


Hi everyone,

Thanks for upvoting this idea!

Happy to inform you that the idea is included into our product roadmap!




Level 10


I hope this includes moving between:

  • Radio, checkbox, and dropdown menus (i.e., all value list types)
  • Text, Number, and Currency types (i.e., string field formatting/output)
  • Single-Line and Paragraph (i.e., string field types)

These are all mistakes easy to make during design of a form, or simply a requested change of UI down the road.


Level 3


Good news! We are starting work on this. The plan is to allow you to change between any of the select types (dropdown, radio buttons, checkboxes) and also between the text types (single line, paragraph). I'll be sure to keep you updated as we make progress towards a release.

Josh Hardman

Product Manager, Workfront