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Workfront Reporting to Workfront Fusion


Level 3

How can I export Workfront reporting data to Workfront Fusion?

3 Replies


Level 7

@A_EN instead of thinking "export" think of pulling the data using a Search module. You can use the same text-mode filters.


Level 3

Hi @Sven-iX Thank you for the suggestion! How do I go about pulling the data using a Search module? Could you provide a sample or a bit more detail on how to use the text-mode filters?


Community Advisor

A_EN, a good place to start with Fusion are going through the available tutorials, as example, https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/workfront-learn/tutorials-workfront/fusion/understand-the....  There is a lot to understand about Fusion, its modules, filters, and how it works, its a good place to start.  Fusion is a separated licensed product so not everyone has access to it unless you've licensed it.