I briefly mentioned this in another comment but wanted to ask the question here. Last year, we talked with Adobe's training folks about developing a curriculum for an advanced Fusion training. This would not be a training which would happen right after the initial Fusion bootcamp. Rather, this would be a course one would take after a few months of using the tool.
Obviously, you cannot cover everything within one bootcamp. Heck, you can't do it with two. But there are many things which most Fusion users don't know that they don't know until they're trying to build something...and they just can't figure it out (without having to engage Adobe consulting).
I can think of a few things off the top of my head right now--advanced use of the HTTP module, work with arrays, custom webhooks--which would be useful for users to receive instruction.
Also...we need more instructional materials on Experience League (which is a separate issue).
Is this something which is being worked upon?
I agree with all of this. I wish that the API also provided examples of usage. A lot of the time the trouble I have is from trying to find an example of usage.
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Sign up for a free account on make.com and go through their Academy training courses. You'll learn more about Fusion there than you will here.
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I've already gone through the WF Fusion bootcamp and have had two years of "training" in the trenches. I'm less concerned about my needs and more for the Workfront admin community at-large. Ultimately, Adobe's white-labelling this software and they should support it better than they are now.
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