Hello folks,
My team is relatively new to FUSION.
We've created a new scenario and are attempting to have it 'IMMEDIATELY' triggered we've specified in the associated WEBHOOK.
However, for some 'unknown' reason our new scenario is not triggering which as we understand it means that not all of the 'criteria' we've specified for the scenario's webhook is being met.
We've attempted to also run it manually, however, it merely 'spins' as it's looking for items which 'match' the webhook's triggering criteria (which I'm including below).
Only the 'status' part of the below statement is specific to the project(s) status which we've defined which associated project(s) would have to meet. We've doublechecked the new status of 'Run Tasks Exclusion' which we've verified is spelled 'exactly' the same as the new status value we've setup in our Workfront Sandbox01 instance.
Would greatly appreciate any suggestions/thoughts anyone familiar with FUSION might have an be willing to provide.
Thanks very much ! Best Regards, -Scott Davis- (scott_davis@vanguard.com)
--------------- WEBHOOK Criteria listed below------------
Record type: Project
State: New state
Status EQUAL Run Tasks Exclusion
AND connection user updates excluded
Record Origin: Updated Record Only