Hi Fusion Community,
I'm looking to update a large number of template tasks with job roles. All of these updates are for many roles per task.
Is this possible to do via Fusion? I haven't had success with Kickstarts and have been working with Support on it, but curious if this can be done using Fusion instead?
I set up a scenario for this as follows:
Thoughts? Ideas?
토픽은 커뮤니티 콘텐츠를 분류하여 관련성 있는 콘텐츠를 찾는 데 도움이 됩니다.
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Hello Nick,
I hope I did not get you wrong, but to get a list of assignments to template tasks, you can use the Search module on the endpoint TTSK and add assignments:* to the fields.
You can also go the other way round and talk to the endpoint TASSGN to get all assignments to template tasks.
To create an assignment to a template task, I use the Custom API module sending a POST request to TASSGN
with a body like this:
"assignmentPercent": 0.0,
"customerID": "<customerID>",
"isPrimary": true,
"isTeamAssignment": false,
"objID": "<templateTaskID>",
"objObjCode": "TTSK",
"roleID": "<roleID>",
"teamID": null,
"templateID": "<templateID>",
"templateTaskID": "<templateTaskID>",
"work": 0.0,
"workRequired": 0
This can be done multiple times to assign more than one role to a single template task.
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Thanks, Lars! I'm off this week but will give it a try when I'm back.
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Hi Nick,
I had to do something similar with tasks on existing projects, but I think you could do the same with template tasks.
I downloaded and parsed the CSV file containing the tasks and assignment IDs, but instead of an Update Record module, I used a Misc Action module (with the assignMultiple action):
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My scenario involved assigning multiple users to tasks, but the assignMultiple action requires that you enter values for both users and roles (or enter the emptyarray keyword if not applicable), so it should work for roles as well:
Thanks, Kristen! I'm off this week but will give it a try when I'm back.
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