I'm needing to do a search of the dashboards collection for a report (PTLSEC).
What I want to do is to create a filter to look for an empty dashboard collection and lastViewedDate is older than 6 months ...and then delete the Report.
I thought that I could just use an Iterator ...but, I think there is a bug here.
I'll open a ticket, but just curious if anyone knows a work-around. The label for the dashboard id is dynamic, so I can't check that.
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I don't think it's a bug, there's still a collection in the array even if it's empty, so there is something to iterate against.
I would put a filter before your iterator to check if there is an actual collection in the array, and not an empty collection.
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The problem is that it's not totally empty ...when it should be empty. Here's a screen shot:
I don't know what my filter would be to filter out the one with or without the dashboard. Fusion always thinks that there is a collection even when there's no dashboard ...because the fields I have circled.
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Off the cuff, could you do something like length(keys(get({incoming array of collections};1)))>0? Get to pull the first collection in the array, keys to get a list of the keys in the collection, and then length to get the number of keys. I would think that an empty collection would return a keys array of length 0, but non-empty collections would have some length.
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I agree with this suggestion, even keys and length alone should be enough to identify bundles where there are dashboard IDs
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