The purpose of this thread is to continue the conversation from the Workfront User Group for Creative Agencies & Marketing on the topic of Workflow & Process on July 14, 2020.
Many thanks to everyone who came to our virtual meetup! Special thanks to @Linnie Ciepielowski‚ from Esri who shared an excerpt from her Leap presentation on How to Engineer Efficient Marketing Processes.
As promised, attached is a PDF of the presentation, and you can watch the recording here.
Do you have any outstanding questions? Anything you didn’t get a chance to ask or that wasn’t discussed? Or have a resource you want to share as a follow-up? Leave a comment below. (Pro Tip: “Like” this thread to be notified as people reply.)
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Thanks again. If you have any feedback (good or bad), please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can leave a comment below, direct message me here on Workfront One, or send an email to
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@Monique Evans‚ I'd love to hear your questions from your Survey Monkey endeavor.
Here are the survey questions I asked all of my Users:
I had 2 more drop down questions to help identify what group/team they belonged to but still open enough that I wouldn't be able to deduce who it was based on the answer. This was helpful to split up the data and report back that people within Group X are much more confident then Group Y. Maybe we need to do a re-training? etc
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@Anna Purdue‚ Here are a few more survey questions (like we chatted about last week).
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This is great...thank you so much
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Does anyone have a tattle tale report at the Project level? We discussed task level in one of the breakouds and in the main session.
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For everyone on this call today, you may be interested in our brand new @Marketing‚ group as well. Feel free to join that, and then one more thing you might be interested in, check out our Leap session Q&A's here - we have speakers willing to answer any questions you have about their sessions!
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As promised, attached is a doc with the resources I referenced in the presentation, including the text mode code for the calculated fields.
Hi all - Here is a link to the recording of today’s session in case you missed it, or want to go back and review something.
PLAYBACK: Workfront User Group - Creative Agencies & Marketing: Workflow & Process - July 14, 2020 (40 minutes)
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Sorry I missed this session, but I have just viewed the recording, and looked over the chats. In the chat, one of the Workfront team members posted this message: @Linda & @Kimberly - when I was a customer, one of my teams used issues to track the different deliverables - and all of their specs. That way, we used the issue object and all of the fields to track total volumes. Then, we also were able to have two task timelines in one project to execute different deliverables (we had a “group” dropdown on issues to say they were a part of Group 1 or Group 2 correlating to the task timelines).
I'd like to understand this more - could you provide any visuals for this setup or documentation?
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Hi @Debbie Scalf‚ - Thanks for the note! Tagging @Jaimeson Wennerstrum‚ to see if he can provide some additional context.
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Hi @Debbie Scalf‚ I'm attaching a quick visual of how this would work. In an integrated campaign project or a project with multiple deliverables, we were grouping tactics that 1) were on the same timeline 2) worked by the same designers / reviewers and 3) needed to be reviewed for consistency together in the same Group within a Project. Tasks were identified by a grandparent as a Group to correlate to Issues also identified by a custom field. A designer would see a task to "Design Round 1 for Group 1", view a dashboard to see those issues for group 1 and the related specs. A combination of ShareCol expressions in reports and Concatenated custom fields help combine those datapoints for ease on reports and dashboards.
Those issues were entered by the project requester or a project manager (but those specs would have been entered in an Excel grid somewhere. A coordinator would build timelines in tasks that correspond to the tactics and how they could be grouped towards a due date.
This helped reduce the number of total projects by about 60% - same with the volume of tasks received by workers.
Let me know if this helps!
Thank you for sharing these details. I have saved a screenshot and will look into this in more detail, and see how it might work in our environment.
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@Linnie Ciepielowski‚ Thank you for sharing your information earlier this week. I am hoping you can shed some light on a topic you brought up. You talked about "tagging" a project with the deliverables. I would like to learn more about how you do that as I think an end report would be helpful to us - showing how many of each deliverable was accomplished in a time frame.
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Hi Maradith! If a single project produces multiple deliverables, we have a way of indicating that in our "Project Retrospective" project custom form. At the end of the project, the Project Manager receives a task that instructs them to fill out this "retrospective" form.
One of the questions is "How many deliverables did this project produce?" with option to select up to 5 deliverables. Depending on the number they select, additional "Go to Market Date" custom date fields will appear, which allows the PM to indicate the date each asset was released to market.
We also have calculated fields that use this information to calculate what we call the "Go to Market" Velocity for each deliverable. For us, the GTM Velocity is the business day difference between the project entry date and the value the PM inputs into the Go to Market custom date fields.
WEEKDAYDIFF(Entry Date,Go to Market Date 1)
WEEKDAYDIFF(Entry Date,Go to Market Date 2)
We also use yet another calculated field to average all the GTM Velocities contained in a single project, which is helpful if the project contains multiples of the same asset type (EX: if a single project involves releasing multiple web pages to market):
IF(!ISBLANK({Go to Market Velocity | Date 5 - Raw}),AVERAGE({Go to Market Velocity | Date 5 - Raw},{Go to Market Velocity | Date 4 - Raw},{Go to Market Velocity | Date 3 - Raw},{Go to Market Velocity | Date 2 - Raw},{Go to Market Velocity | Date 1 - Raw}),IF(!ISBLANK({Go to Market Velocity | Date 4 - Raw}),AVERAGE({Go to Market Velocity | Date 4 - Raw},{Go to Market Velocity | Date 3 - Raw},{Go to Market Velocity | Date 2 - Raw},{Go to Market Velocity | Date 1 - Raw}),IF(!ISBLANK({Go to Market Velocity | Date 3 - Raw}),AVERAGE({Go to Market Velocity | Date 3 - Raw},{Go to Market Velocity | Date 2 - Raw},{Go to Market Velocity | Date 1 - Raw}),IF(!ISBLANK({Go to Market Velocity | Date 2 - Raw}),AVERAGE({Go to Market Velocity | Date 2 - Raw},{Go to Market Velocity | Date 1 - Raw}),{Go to Market Velocity | Date 1 - Raw}))))
I hope this helps!
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Hi Linnie,
Thank you for the details - we will explore this option.
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