The purpose of this thread is to continue the conversation from the Virtual User Group on the topic of Transitioning to the New Workfront Experience on February 2, 2021.
Many thanks to everyone who came to our virtual meetup! Special thanks to @Kate McGuinness‚ for sharing her perspective and guidance, and to @Brittney Lewis‚ for sharing more about the journey SSGA has been on.
As promised, attached is a PDF of the presentation, and you can watch the recording here.
Do you have any outstanding questions related to the new Workfront experience? If you've started your transition, how's it going? Is there anything you'd share with those about to start? Or if you haven't started your migration, what's holding you back? Leave a comment below and we’ll keep the conversation going.
Thanks again. If you have any feedback (good or bad), please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can find the schedule for all upcoming User Groups on the Events page on Workfront One (