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Start your holiday “wish list” As a former mar..



Start your holiday “wish list”

As a former marketing project manager for a creative team, this time of year always felt like a mad dash to the finish line. If you’re in the midst of this holiday-prep madness now, let me share one of my favorite system admin tips: take notes. ‚úèÔ∏è

Grab a trusty notebook, set up a document on your desktop, a draft in your email inbox ‚Äì whatever works best for you. Just make sure it’s quick and easy to get to. Then, keep a list of all the things you’d love to improve, but don’t have the time for.

  • Sitting in a meeting that could’ve been an email?
  • Answering that same question about Workfront again?
  • Building another project from scratch?

This became my holiday “wish list.” As the end of the year approached, campaigns were launched and everyone started to take their much-earned vacations, I’d look at my list and evaluate ‚Äì what would save me and the team the most time in the new year? Or make the next busy season a bit better?

  • Is there a report I could build that could replace or reduce a meeting?
  • Is there some training or documentation I could put together to help answer common questions?
  • Are we missing a project template that we need? (another tip: check out the new Integrated Campaign Execution template recently added to blueprints).

I know the end of this rush can seem so far away, but once you have a moment to breathe, that list will be ready and waiting for you. The end of the year was usually my favorite for this. I’d pick a few quick wins and maybe a larger project while I had the time and a bit of space to really focus on it.

What are some of the items on your wish list?

If you haven’t transitioned your users yet, you may want to add the New Workfront Experience to your list. If you want some ideas on where to start, this 1-month plan breaks it down into steps (and this Onboarding Guide has sample email templates already written for you). There’s lots of other great resources here, too. If you’re still feeling overwhelmed by the transition, let us know where you’re stuck and we’ll try to help!

@Creative Agencies‚ @Marketing‚


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1 Resposta



Love this idea!! Also tagging @All Discussions‚ so others can see as well.