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Course Discussion: Further understanding of managing work as a planner


Level 4

Use this thread to ask any questions related to the Further understanding of managing work as a planner course in Experience League. Experts are monitoring this thread to ensure your questions are answered.

30 Replies


Level 4

There is not a video in the Find Requests module. Not every module has a video in it, however we continue to review modules to make updates and improvements. As it happens, Find Requests will be getting a video soon.


Thanks for asking about it!


Level 4

There is not a video in the Find Requests module, but there will be one soon. I'm working on it now.



Hi Chuck,

Sharing 2 observations - we might need some adjustments. Please review.

1. the course intro video duration is displayed as 2 min but the actual duration is 5.06 min.

2. Once we play the video, the content finishes around the 2-minute mark, rest of the video displays a blank screen with audio only. 





Level 4

Thanks for catching this Apurva. It's fixed now.


Level 1

Hi Chuck and all! In the other course "Create and Manage Custom Forms," the link to the "Share Custom Fields" section is directing to a 404 error. Screenshots attached with red-box callouts. 





Thanks for reporting this. I have passed it on to the team member who created that course. It should be resolved soon.





Hey Anthony - Sorry for the inconvenience. This has been resolved and you should be able to access the tutorial again.


Level 2

I have a question related to the  log hours on the task summary in this example the user can log hours in specific task, clic on button "Open summary" inside the project and previously chosen any task.  when the user done this you can log hours , but  in my case  the admin of my system doesnt know how to enable this option,  which is the right config to enable this option for user?


thank you


Level 4

Hi @HugoZa . You do not need to enable a particular option in order to log time in a task summary. What you need is to have rights to contribute to the task and to log hours on it. This can be done when the task is shared. Once you have those rights you can log time in the task summary, the timesheet, or in the hours tab on the task.


Level 2

Thank you for your help, now is working with correct rights.