Our finance team needs a simple report in Workfront: Just provide rows of all users, along with their Billable Hours, Non-Billable Hours, Total Logged Hours, and Percent Billable. I don't need a huge list of all tasks that had hours logged, I don't want them grouped by "CountedAsRevenue:True/False", I just want this very simple report.
The data exists in Workfront, I just have no idea how to get it in this format. Can someone please assist me with this request?
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Hi there! Curious to know if you had an update on this. I would love to know if you do. Thanks!
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Hi @stephanie318, not particularly. It's strange because all the data exists in Workfront, but it sure seems like the reporting system is just incapable of pulling it together in a meaningful way.
Other applications I've worked with can do this no problem, since it's a very common thing to want to know for employee management. No dice for WF, it seems. I'm always on the hunt for ways to make it work, though.
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I'm just bumping this again. I'm curious if anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish this because I'm still at a total loss.
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