If you’re a system admin, product owner, champion, or manager of Workfront users, you’ve probably been asked to demonstrate the value Workfront is bringing to your business. We’ve identified five key areas that your business can realize value. Workfront provides the ability to:
We’ve created a dashboard that helps you identify value realized from the third bullet point and we call it Value Realization | Review and Approve. We’ve thought about all types of approvals in Workfront, including documents/proofs, projects, tasks, and issues. Review and approve features help you streamline the approval process by reviewing assets in one easy-to-use system and eliminate the cost of mistakes.
This dashboard is now available to install from your blueprints. Learn how to install this dashboard from blueprints.
A few things to note:
The Review and Approve Reports:
Thanks @MykaB,
In addition to these "number of approvals over time" reports, is there a way to report (ideally visually, in a Gantt format) the amount of time each particular approval is sitting on the approver's desk, in order to identify bottlenecks, and (in turn, by surfacing such delays) reduce the time such approvals take?
This was something we really needed to identify on our end! We created "age" reports for the age of an approval since its inception. Using grouping by Task > Approval path start date, it's not quite a Gantt chart but it's got months on the X axis so it does have a bit of that timeline concept. I think it'd be a great idea to add that to this blueprint!
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