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23.1 - Modernization of the Notifications page - has anyone looked at this in Preview yet?


Level 10

Hello - 


I was curious if anyone has looked at the new layout for Notifications in Preview?  What do you think?


I'm always up for change, but have to admit, I miss the date/time stamp being close in proximity to the actual notification.  


In Preview, the date (time seems to have been dropped) is all the way across the "great white divide" of the UI, pushed all the way against the right.  It's so "detached" from the Update that I almost missed it.  I think it would have been more helpful to have the Date (and Time) displayed on the left side, just before the Notification instead of all the way across the page.


I like that the entire screen is utilized to spread the Update out.  I just wish the same applied to the Project and Name fields.  After approx. 40 characters, the Project and Name fields wrap to a 2nd line ().  It would be nice if the Project and Name fields were able to span the width of the screen like the Update field.  This would help reduce overall row height and be easier to read.


Just my 2 cents.  

8 Replies


Community Advisor

That's because Adobe doesn't use Workfront so they don't really know how their changes impact the users who do use it.


Community Advisor

Just took a look. I'm not a fan.

The time does show if you hover over the date, but that seems like an unnecessary extra step when there is so much room available to include the time.

I also agree that wrapping the object name seems silly when there is so much space available.




Thank you so much for your feedback and suggestions of your experience in preview. I am one of the Adobe Workfront product managers. The team is aware and we are actively working to resolve prior to the release.


FYI - 

@RandyRoberts @BryanNg_dentsu  @Heather_Kulbacki 


Community Advisor

Thanks Candace,

I'd love to see it as you're working on it. Will you be uploading incrementals to Preview?


I think the best way to get a solid, well-liked and often-used product is get the buy-in from your users before release. That will ensure enthusiasm and evangelism instead of complaints and eye-rolls.



@RandyRoberts thanks for the feedback. We are adding to preview regularly, so while I don't have specifics at the moment, I assure you that we will be addressing it. If anything ever catches your eye, please feel free to submit feedback via the feedback button. We see that pretty quickly.


Community Advisor



Those of us who have chosen to stop Adobe from sending our users advertisements and surveys don't have the option to use the "Feedback" button.

The way they turn off the sales adverts to our users is to disable Pendo, and Pendo is what drives the "Feedback" button.

I guess it's Adobe's way of saying "If you don't want our adverts, you can't voice your opinion about product development".



Hi Randy,

If the Feedback button is not an ideal option, you can always reach out to your customer success manager.


Thanks again for your feedback.