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How to Redirect Old Workfront One Community URLs




This blog is part of a Community Walkthrough series for old Workfront One Community members. Please see the directory below to navigate to other topics in this walkthrough guide:

Welcome to the Workfront Experience League Community
How to Navigate the Experience League Community
Logging into the Community for the first time as a new or existing Workfront Experience League Commu...
How to Access Workfront Experience League Events, Documentation, and Learning Pages
Submitting Ideas to the Workfront Innovation Lab on Experience League
Setting up your Email Digest in the Workfront Experience League Community
Logging into the Workfront Experience League Community after Username Registration
How to Redirect Old Workfront One Community URLs
Earn and Showcase your Accomplishments with Gamification
How to Submit a Support ticket

With the migration over to Experience League, all old Workfront One Community threads and blogs should automatically redirect over to their counterparts on Experience League. If you happen to have an old Workfront One Community URL bookmarked that does not redirect properly, you can follow the steps below to navigate to its counterpart on the Experience League Workfront Community.


  1. Identify the URL which you would like to visit on the Experience League Workfront Community.

    Example: https://one.workfront.com/s/question/0D54X00007JGgh3SAD/calculated-field-referencing-multiselect-che...


  1. Copy the portion of the URL after the host name

    Example: /s/question/0D54X00007JGgh3SAD/calculated-field-referencing-multiselect-checkbox-field

  2. Enter the Experience League Homepage URL into your web browser (in green), and append the portion of the URL in Step 2 (in blue). Press enter.

    Example: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/s/question/0D54X00007JGgh3SAD/calculated-field-referencing-multiselect-checkbox-field

  3. You should then be redirected to the respective page on the Workfront Experience League Community.


Level 1


No links that I have for learning paths or training redirect. Today has been an awful experience to go from having an easy place to go and find Workfront training materials to now not being able to find or access anything. And site performance has also been terrible - lots of waiting for any content to load.




Hi @GwenCa Thank you for your comment and I completely understand your frustrations with this migration. 

Per the Learning Walkthrough guide, please see the following links below:


Please note that we are facing a known issue where Workfront courses are not being published to the Learning Courses and Dashboard pages above. We are actively working to resolve this issue and the courses will be back online soon. Thanks for your patience. 


Community Advisor


I added the line:

experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com one.workfront.com

to my Hosts file.

(FYI, That’s a tab in between them) Now all WF1 addresses are automatically redirected to the corresponding Exp. League address.


On a Mac and Linux/Unix, the hosts file is here: /private/etc/hosts

On Windows, it's here: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

You must have admin acces to edit the hosts file and on a Mac, the best practice is to copy it to your desktop, edit it, then replace the original in the "etc" folder.


Community Advisor



Oh, that is brilliant: thanks, Randy!


TLDR: if the hosts trick does the trick for you, splendid; but if not, I suggest you get comfy (and well acquainted) with the search feature


For others, after changing my hosts file, I also had to open chrome://net-internals/#dns and click "clear host cache" button to get it to kick in...but even after that, when I tried to hit  Mission: Impossible  (https://one.workfront.com/s/feed/0D54X00007nuPuOSAU), it failed to resolve, as did (when I typed it manually) https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/s/feed/0D54X00007nuPuOSAU and instead rendered in what looks like a 404 page, with the message "The page you are trying to access was not found. Please check your URL for typos and try again."


The /feed link was from the header of the email I'd saved locally (which is how I archive such Save Until Needed links), and as I recall, used to take me to the top of the related thread within one.community.com


I'd hoped that (with Randy's hosts trick) the redirect would "find" the related (converted) thread within experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com.


However, I searched, and the actual (converted) new home is at https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/workfront-questions/%C3%BC%C3%AD-mission-impossible......an entirely new path, which explains why both my attempts above failed.


In a sidebar, my colleague @SarahNa explained "They did redirect the /questions links to at least the right group; they were not able to individually map each community post. I'm not sure where the /feed links used to go but I was told to direct you to this article 


Community Advisor


Some of the URLs are redirecting and some are not. My Hosts file should do all the heavy lifting but unfortunately there are many failures.