Don't recall if this feature used to work with JEE as well but we can make changes to a Designer template from Workbench application.
You need to make the changes in the template and upload the updated one on the OSGi instance.
Can you click on the content tab and share the structure of the fragments (texts ONLY?)
For a quick turnaround, you can DM the link to the cmp for this letter.
Any recent changes on the system? Is this LC designer or the latest AEM Forms Designer?
Please share any error msg or log except.
If this issue is specific to the forms webservices call and NOT an issue with WSDLConnection soapAddress(?) then you can check the network logs?
I have reviewed the logs shared and could see the posted error msgs[0].
These two tables: DATASTORE_DATA and DATASTORE_META contains information for a blobId reference so you can restore the database state to check if the issue is resolved.
I recall now, we have had a similar discuss...
@Kasen23 @Arthur-Nicholas
Please check the Acrobat Pro version users have on their system?
We have recently got reports of this issue from multiple customers and found that they were using an older version of the software while the same form worked at our end with the latest.
Please DM the link to ...
You can save output task attachments using a path relative to the payload or in a variable of an array of document data types. More info - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/forms/workflows/aem-forms-workflow-step-reference.html?lang=en#assign-task-step
What v...
Haven't tried deploying the configuration changes as such, but it seems the properties were present in the repo but not published for this fragment.
BTW, how are you making the configuration changes to a fragment?
All these action buttons under the content tab of the AEM Interactive Communication Print Channel are loaded with the contentCapturePod.jsp and business logic in ToolBarCtrl.js, under /libs/fd/cm/ccr/gui/components.
You can remove the icons per your use case but bear in mind that these...