I created an external database to MySQL database, then created a schema to access the external database. I can see the data in the schema from the external database. But when I run the query activity in workflow, it will run for a long time, I can see the template table "wkf*****" was created in the...
Hi Adhiyan,Thank you for your response. I need to add a channel named Wechat. Wechat is very popular in China. I'm able to push the wechat message to the recipient by using the javascript. But I felt it is difficult to add a new activity icon to the workflow. Does the Adobe campaign have a version t...
As we know, adobe have the email, sms, DM, facebook channel to delivery, but I want to build a new channel of delivery, is there any document I can reference to create it? what I should build in schemas,forms or js? thanks!