You might need to look into below thread. AEM security ACLs are not designed to provide access based on component level.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, those flags are present, since it is AMS platform, I do not have access to those logs. CSE has already provided those logs in the Adobe Case. I hope, this issue will be resolved soon.
Thanks for your reply. Adobe Support Case has already been created for this issue, I thought of checking some of the experts opinion in this thread if there are any other pointers in terms of fixing the issue.
Hello,Environment - AEM 6.4.8 Facing frequently CMS Old Gen Heap Issue in production publishers. By reading through the HeapDumps, it is always pointing to CacheLIRS which is taking around 65% of the space and causing issues. One instance of "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.cache.CacheLIRS" loaded by "or...
Hi Folks, we have a requirement where we have to search in the repository based on tags and display the three top records accordingly.For example - Suppose we need to search for the pages based on these tags -geometrixx-outdoors:apparelgeometrixx-media:eventsmynamespace:my-tagPage which has all thre...
Trust you have already tried restarting the dispatcher ? Have a look into below forum for some more details -
can you check if all bundles are active and jcr:content node exists inside the pages node ? try rename the error log file and restart the server and check if there is any startup logs which shed more light on whats going on. Difficult to guess what could be an issue unless more information provided.
You can try below commands -------------------------------------------------------------------To see the number of authors that have used the system since installation use the command line:cd <cq-installation-dir>/crx-quickstart/logscut -d " " -f 3 access.log | sort -u | wc -lTo see the number of au...