No , when I tag a pdf in AEM ->download and reupload I don't see those tags.
Any metadata property will be written to binary only if XMP metadata write back is enabled which is usually disabled by default unless you need metadata to be persisted on binaries.You may want to check this workflow / list...
I would suggest to install wknd package and check if you are able to replicate issue on wknd site on test env.
If yes, it must be an issue with your cstom component.
You can view source and see if you see image html. Also check image component policy on template 'width section'
Is it happening on a specific env ? Install wknd reference package and check if you can reproduce the issue on wknd.
I am unable to reproduce the issue on my local cloud with image v3 core component on wknd reference site.
Are you able to upload th...
Hi @Vani1012 , before you browse for image make sure to uncheck this 'inherit' box for description , then browse for asset and add alt text. This seems to be an issue in hide behaviour.
@Vani1012 : can you try to upload same image from dam as well as from your local i.e same name and type , extn?
Also , are you able to upload in both ways and you can see the file node in crxde like below when uploaded from local system?
Is it a custom component that you are using to render image or core component? When you use image from Dam - its reference is stored in the property called fileReference but if you browse and drop image from local system - it creates a file node with binary.
If custom component , you can refer tea...
Can you not add the 'Dynamic media upload' step directly in your workflow?
Else if you meet the below conditions, like setting this scene7filestatus property , the ootb launcher should get called to upload it to DM .
@thanikon : how many assets/size of assets you are trying to move ? Can you ensure that this activity is carried out in off peak hours when there is no possibility of concurrent operations on assets that you are wanting to move. Does it fail for assets under a workflow/review/editing state ?
@thanikon The processes are queued , the previous process has to complete / throw an error before the next MCP process in queue is picked up and processed.